Our oldest grandchildren are 13 and 11, then the little ones are 3, 17 months and 9 months. Obviously we had many, many years when David and Leah got all our attention, all our time and energy. During those years we took D & L on many little trips - trips to the zoo, trips to the museum, trips on ferries, trips to the beach. One year when they were were 4 and 6 we rode the ferry to Poulsbo and went to a marine museum. David wowed the tour guide by knowing the answer to every question she asked. We spent hours with our hands in the water, touching starfish, sea anemones, and all kinds of other small creatures. When we left the museum we found ourselves trapped by the annual Viking Days parade that had blocked off all the city streets so we walked over to a local drive in and watched the parade while eating lunch. One especially disturbing entry in the parade was the Grim Reaper and, if I remember correctly, it was used to bring attention to the dangers of driving while intoxicated. The kids hated it and even today David shudders at the words "Grim Reaper". We climbed to the top level of the ferry for the trip home and stayed outside in the wind for as long as we could stand it. Then David spoke the words that grandparents love to hear - "Thanks for taking us...this has been the best day of my whole life!"
Now Jack is old enough to join us on our adventures. Last summer when he was 2 we took the three of them to the Point Defiance Zoo and had a great day. This year it was Northwest Trek. They got to have a sleepover on Sunday night so we could leave early the next morning for our 2 hour drive. We timed it just right and missed all the morning commute mess. After our tram ride through 430 acres with up close and personal looks at bison, mountain goats, elk, deer and racoons we had lunch at the cafe and then continued walking through the rest of the wildlife exhibits. The trail wanders through wooded areas with natural habitat set aside for bears, lynx, wolves, eagles, beavers, otters - just to name some of the animals and birds on display.
David and Leah are incredible big cousins and Jack loves to spend time with them. We appreciate all their help since we don't run as fast as we used to and Jack moves at the speed of lightening! While walking down to the bear exhibit, David and Leah held Jack's hands and did the 1,2,3 jump game - over and over. Jack laughed and jumped each time. After several minutes of this Jack let go of David's hand and said "your turn David". David looked at Jack and said "you want me to jump?" Jack moved so that David was in the middle, took his hand and said "ok, now you jump!" What a great moment. Jack counted 1, 2, 3 jump and every time he said it David jumped. Jack was so proud of himself for giving someone else a turn to have the jumping fun.
It was my turn to say "thank you - this is the best day of my life".
Very sweet story...I have very nice kids!
Very cute! Glad you all had such a good time!
FROM: leah
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